Designed to help underserved communities, where technology is not equitably available, with the tool and resource to battle the "parallel pandemic" - Mental Health & Wellness

Our Collaborative Journey...

SoGo Global collaborates and brings technology programs to places where they are not equitably available.

During the current pandemic, SoGo Global recognized that there was an equally tragic 'parallel pandemic' - mental health and wellness, worsening the lives of many, especially in the underserved communities.

SoGo Global collaborated with Thermal Prefence on their patent-pending technology that automatically detects elevated body temperature (EBT) in humans entering facilities to create the 'Wellness Beacon' program.

The device 'enTTTrace Plus' warns the individual of the high temperature and alerts the facility managers to keep all aware and safe. The technology has the capability to securely warn health officials of any unusual spike in the number of daily EBT cases through advanced analytics that ensures privacy of individuals and businesses, yet allows local authorities to investigate and determine whether the high temperature cases are due to common or more serious viral infections.

SoGo Global recognized that this program could greatly help underserved communities, get back faster to a new normal, especially with the 'parallel pandemic'.

Supporting our veterans, and ensuring they receive the care they have earned

Where we are today

We have been hard at work with our technology partner on the latest release and launch of enTTTrace Plus for WellnessBeacon Program. Additionally, we have been working on optimizing the assembly process, so when we set up local assembly centers in underserved communities, it is streamlined to be up and running, quickly.


enTTTrace Plus